At this plane of development, children explore the world through socialization, imagination, and can demonstrate an ability to think more abstractly. Montessori education, at the lower elementary level, is designed to spark creativity, curiosity, and greater independence in a multi-age environment that caters to children 6-9 years of age. Our nature-based, Montessori prepared environment and trained guides support students by providing them with engaging, spontaneous, purposeful learning opportunities as they strive for intellectual independence. Similar to the Early Childhood (EC) program, children progress at their own pace and rhythm, according to their individual capabilities. Students will come into the elementary environment and find familiar materials from their previous EC class, where they will use and learn from them in new ways suited to their expanding minds.
The elementary curriculum begins and flows from the Great Lessons in Cosmic Education: how the universe was formed, how life on earth was formed, evolution of man, and the development of language and math.